Sunday, November 17, 2019

Tool for Orientation for Four Generations Essay Example for Free

Tool for Orientation for Four Generations Essay In the current clinical setting, it is often common to find that evidence-based practice (EBP) is not being implemented. There are a number of causative factors that can be attributed to this observation. Some analysts have suggested that personal differences may be hindering implementation of EBP. It is therefore important to look into the validity of this factor with special emphasis given to age differences in the clinical setting. The question to be considered is whether or not there is an evidence-based tool available to meet the needs of all four generations of learners. The EBT tool needs to implement clinical references and other reviews as well as a case by case analysis over past and present generations to help form a small basis for future generational use of the EBT tool. In forming continually controlled studies one would be able to obtain current and ongoing evidentiary guideliens in which to more accurately determine the generational differences to determine if there is in fact any influences of with utilizing the use of EBT. Population of Interest In order to foster a productive and feasible atmosphere in clinical practice, it is imperative for members of the organization to appreciate and respect differences among the generations. This means that gender, racial and ethnic backgrounds need to be understood and accepted. The latter categories of diversity have been discussed at length in nursing practice and most people understand them well. On the other hand, the issue of intergenerational differences also can be problematic if nurses do not understand it properly. In order to place this matter in context, it is essential to review the historical background of these different generations. The population of interest includes four distinct generations (Cordinez, 2002). There are basically four generations that may be found within the clinical situation; these are Veterans (born between 1922 and 1945), Baby Boomers (born between 1945 – 1960), Generation X (born between 1960 – 1980), and lastly the Millennial Generation (Born after 1980). All these generations underwent different experiences that subsequently shaped their respective professional and personal values. The performance value of each of these generations differ. For example, it is well known that the Baby Boomers generation was much ado about peace and the different associated behaviors related to drug and alcohol use, thus inhibiting their generation compared to the more productive performance of the later generations. The first generation under consideration is the Veteran generation born during the Great Depression and the Second World War. This generation grew up under tough times but during their adulthood, the country’s economy began flourishing. Because of these matters, The Veteran Generation realized that hard work can be rewarded and that authority ought to be respected. Therefore, it can be said that the values most revered by this generation are authority, loyalty, and respect. The second generation of nurses in the field today is the Baby Boom generation. Members of this group were born during a time of economic prosperity that was still characterized by some traditional values. This generation grew up around two-parent households in which one parent was the breadwinner. However, there were still a number of issues confronting them. They began challenging status quo and did not respect authority. According to Baby Boomers, real heroes are those ones with the courage to change the system. This generation had a lot room for growth within the nursing profession owing to the fact that economic times were relatively good. This generation is not typically conversant with technology. Intervention EBP implementation in most health institutions is a recent development. Since the population of interest is multigenerational, it is imperative to find out whether their generational background could have led to learning differences within the EBT tool. In order to attribute the lack of implementation of EBP to this issue, it is essential to eliminate other causative factors. Problems causing the potential failure to learn may be unique to each generation. It is important to design a nursing orientation program that empowers all generations of learners to implement evidence-based practice. Comparison of interest After examination of the historical backgrounds of these groups, one can now understand the differences between the groups may be influenced by their past. Two of the four generations of nurses have different perspectives on authority, workplace structures, technology, and evidence based practice (Spitzer, 2001). This can be a problem because organizations have changed dramatically over the past few years. Most health institutions now respect team-based approaches requiring individuals from different organizational levels to work together. This challenges traditional organizational structures in which the older generation was highly respected. The current view is to utilize evidence-based practice. Further contradicting the education of the older generation, the advent of technology has flipped organizational relationships. Baby boomers who had grown up with a deep respect for authority now highly depend on younger nurses to explain to them the essentials of computer technology. This has created renewed tensions between the generations. Despite the dramatic change in organizational structures, nurse’s mental attitudes still remain relatively stagnant and this has hampered implementation of evidence-based practice. Some nurses have failed to recognize where behavior patterns originate from and thus misunderstand colleagues from other generations. For instance, Baby Boomers usually think of Generation Xers as being highly unreliable or disloyal. On the other hand, the latter generation regards Baby Boomers tendency to remain with one employer as a failure to cease new opportunities. There are different work relations approaches between the generations. Outcomes Evidence-based practice in most health institutions may not be properly implemented because a substantial number of clinics fail to prepare their nurses through practical training. This means that nurses may be aware of the concept through the literature but do not have the ability to implement it in practice. Implementing this as a required teaching throughout all the health profession will enable nurses to be able to have additional tools available so that they may have more information in which to perform their duties better. In other health institutions, nurses lack infrastructural support from hospital administrations accustomed to conventional methods. Such administrations fail to shift their clinical practice making it difficult for particular nurses to do the same. EBP is failing due to lack of proper orientation in these health institutions. Nurses lack a straight-forward way in which they can carry it out within a certain clinical setting. Consequently, the methods may end up failing. There is little literature to link EBP with diversity issues let alone generational differences (Hicks Hicks, 1999). Conclusion In order for health organizations to flourish, there is a need to acknowledge differences between various generations of nurses. However, when it comes to evidence-based practice, other issues take greater precedence over generation differences. Instead, clinics need to look for ways in which they can boost administrative support, offer proper orientation and training to nurses. Personally, as nurse liaison for new employees, I am empowered to make changes by collecting and making available comprehensive, ongoing, and readily accessible EBP information needed to provide optimal care. At the very least, I can assist in providing staff with an orientation tool which incorporates the EBP process to insure and promote positive outcomes. References Cordinez, J. (2002). Recruitment, retention and management of generation X. Health Care Management Journal, 47, 4, 237-249. Hicks, R. Hicks, K. (1999). Boomers, Xers and other strangers Location: New York: Harper Collins. Raines, C. (2003). Connecting generations. CA: Crisp Publishers. Spitzer, R. (2001). A new world and new generation to come: Seminars for Nurse Managers, 9. 1367. The problem of interest in PICO question format. (5 points) 4/5 Presented a question, but did not identify PICO components. I DON’T KNOW WHAT THESE COMPONENTS ARE AND ALSO DID NOT ADDRESS THE OTHER TWO GENERATIONS COMMENTED ON BY YOUR INSTRUCTOR AS I DID NOT KNOW WHERE YOU WANTED TO GO WITH THAT. 1. A brief description of the patient population/disease, intervention, comparison, and outcome. (10 points) 9/10 Presented thorough description of two generations. What about the remaining two generations? If they are being excluded, tell the reader the rationale for this decision. Also, the outcome you intend to achieve is increased use of EBP. That was not clearly articulated in the outcomes section.

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